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Celebrating 500 Chapters with 15% off SBC Shop merchandise!

Use code SBC500 at the Silent Book Club Shop until December 15, 2023.



In 2012, we had no idea that this lark of an idea would spark a global movement. The concept was simple: gather with fellow book lovers, enjoy the company of others without the pressure of conversation, and lose yourself in the pages of a good book. Today Silent Book Club has grown into a worldwide phenomenon, with more than 500 chapters in 50 countries across 6 continents.

Silent Book Club meetups are as diverse as the communities they serve. Some meet in cozy cafes or hotel bars, while others gather in libraries, parks, or in the ruins of a medieval Italian monastery.

SBC Genova, Monastero di Santa Maria in Valle Christi, 2021

Some chapters meet monthly, while others meet weekly. But regardless of the setting, frequency, or format (in person! online! both!), the core purpose of Silent Book Club remains the same: to provide a space for people to come together and enjoy the simple pleasure of reading.

Over the years, Silent Book Club has hosted a wide range of events and programs. From virtual author talks during the pandemic to reading retreats, book-to-movie screenings, book playlistsindie bookstore crawlsSBC swag, and "blind date with a book" nights, Silent Book Club is always embracing new ways to celebrate the joy of reading.

Laura & Guinevere at Green Apple Books, Indie Bookstore Day 2017

But at its heart, Silent Book Club is about more than just reading. It's about creating a sense of community and belonging. It's about providing a space where people can feel comfortable being themselves, without the need for pretense or small talk.

Silent Book Club at Graduate Athens, 2023

As we celebrate the milestone of passing 500 chapters, we look forward to continuing to grow and connect with book lovers around the world. So grab your favorite book, find a Silent Book Club near you, and join us in celebrating the power of reading to bring people together.

Happy reading,
Guinevere & Laura